Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Holiday Season

I have officially closed the books on my first {crazy} holiday season! I'm not going to lie... It's been kind of exhausting at times and I've lost a lot of sleep. Sorry to those who usually get a plate of goodies from me by now. It may be a little late.... Or I may not get to it.... We'll have to see....    :)
But all in all, it was so much fun and I'm so excited that I was able to capture at least one "moment" that each family will cherish. That's what it's all about for me. Sure, another photographer could critique the heck out of it. But for me, it's all about un-traditional, natural-looking shots where I can capture a "moment" for a family. Something that gives you a glimpse into their lives. My goal is to provide them with something that makes them smile! And I know I'm smiling at so many of the things I captured this season. Thank you to each of you that have given me this opportunity! Thank you for your patience and your willingness to do whatever I recommended. I had so much fun getting to know you all and getting the opportunity to be a part of some of your "raw" family moments. These are the moments that kept me going. I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of the holiday season with your families. Now you better start thinking of how we can top it with next year's pics... LOL :)
Check back soon... I'm awaiting the arrival of a newborn and I'll be shooting him when he's just DAYS old! I can't wait!!

Now I'm off to hit the mall for some Christmas shopping and maybe tonight I'll even give me personal/family blog some much-needed attention. We'll have to see about that too!   


1 comment:

Watson Family said...

You did an AMAZING job on all of your holiday pics and cards. You should be so proud of yourself!!

I LOVE your family card - turned out so cute!

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