Thursday, July 28, 2011

Meet Max {Before and After}

Well since I've been so behind on my blog, I figured this would be a great time to finally show off some more of the photos from this BEAUTIFUL couple's maternity session as well as show their end result.  :)

And here he is... Almost 2 months premature and healthy as can be... What a blessing!! I absolutely love this cute family! I've known the mom since we were sassy little teenagers and it's been so much fun wathching her blossom into such a natural mama. I couldn't be happier for them and I'm so excited to share precious little Max with you all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blog.... What Blog?

I know... I've been terrible at blogging. When I spend so much time staring at my computer editing photos, the last thing I feel like doing is getting on to work on my blog. But I'm finally catching up on life and I am very excited to share a couple sessions with you. Here's one from April that was a real challenge due to the amount of people (and the amount of kids) and we got a late start so we lost our light.  :( The easy part was that the ENTIRE group was beautiful. Seriously.... They could all grace the cover of any magazine! These girls are so much fun and I was so excited to get to capture their awesome bond in a photograph.

My Fun Photog Friend

This sweet girl is a photographer and I was truly delighted when she asked if I would take their maternity photos. We love to get together and bounce ideas off of each other so this shoot was an absolute blast to plan. During their shoot I could just totally see how excited each of them are for "Baby Stewy" to arrive. The second photo says it all. They were sitting down getting situated when she felt the baby move. Her husband immediately feels her tummy and got so extremely excited. It's moments like these that make me really love this little part time gig I have going. Congrats JoJo and Skyler.... I can't wait to meet your little man!

Congrats Jojo and Skyler! I can't wait to meet your little man!
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