Sunday, November 28, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

It's been a busy couple weeks with family pictures and Christmas cards and I've been completely neglecting my blog. There are SO many pics that I'd love to share, unfortunately I need to catch some ZZZzzzZZ's before my chit-lins awake. Here are a few more from my sister's shoot and another one to tide you over for a while....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I just can't stand it...

I'm nowhere near the end of editing their session right now. But I MUST post these 2 pics RIGHT NOW!! Aren't these two girlies totally gorgeous? They're my nieces. Yup that's right and I L.O.V.E. them so so so much{and they're suuuuuuuper cute outfits for their photo shoot}!    :) 

 The pic below is so totally "them". Life with these girls is nevel dull. They are silly, giggly, excited, giddy... I love when I capture these type of totally "raw" moments. This picture warms my heart. There's nothing so great than a family encompassed with laughter.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sweet Little Family

With this sweet family, it is so clear that the sun rises and sets on this little girl! You can't help but love her.  She has a gentle, shy personality. But every once in a while, she'll cut loose and bust out some dance moves or will say something that will melt your heart. She sure has a way of wrapping everyone right around her finger. I had so much fun with them. It was such a nice way to start my day!


*Believe it or not... It was not planned for her to close her eyes.
I was pretty bright out and she just so happened to be covering them at just the right time.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Goes Without Saying

While up in Pinetop, it was a total given that I squeeze in one of my dearest friends' family. She is my biggest fan and has been so great to me!! We love to talk about photo ideas and she lets me test things out on her kids whenever I like {it doesn't hurt that they're so dang cute}!
As I was editing their photos I was literally in tears. I have so many candid shots of them where you can just see the adoration they have for their kids and their kids have for them. I am so happy I was able to capture these moments for her!

Look at this family.... Don't they have F-U-N written all over them?

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