Friday, December 2, 2011

Well Hello There...

Long time; no post! Hope all is well with everyone and I hope your holiday season is off to a great start. We've had a rough couple months in the Cox household and we've begun counting our blessings more than ever.
I'm so sorry I've kept so many amazing photos from you! Here are a few that I dare to try to keep to myself any longer. Right now I'm knee-deep in shooting, editing, and designing Christmas cards all while trying to soak in the fun holiday spirit with my family. Please forgive me if my response time isn't as quick as usual. Hopefully I will have the time to post more soon!

I've gotta share a snap-shot of our kiddos. The youngest two, Cash and Paisley, were in a wedding in November and boy did they look sharp (much thanks to my ever-so-talented mom for making P's dress)! We had such a great time together... Boy do we LOVE weddings!!And sadly, I think this is the closest we may come to a family portrait this holiday season. So this just may be what graces the cover of my Christmas card this year.
****PLEASE NOTE: My 2011 sessions are completely booked. Please feel free to contact me should you want to schedule a session in 2012. ****

Sunday, November 27, 2011

That's a Wrap

PLEASE NOTE: My 2011 sessions are completely booked. Please feel free to contact me should you want to schedule a session in 2012.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Super-Girly Session

This little cutie's mom and I had such a blast planning this shoot! We knew we wanted it super girly and totally fitting for her 3 year old. We were so in love with the way her photos turned out last year that it was a bit nerve-racking to try to come close to those. BUT... I am pleased to say that I am super excited with these super girly pictures. This girl makes it hard to take a bad photo!

Here We Go Again

It's that time again... Time to book your family photos for the holiday season!
I've begun scheduling sessions now through mid November. I'm hoping to have everything wrapped up by the beginning of December so I can enjoy the holiday hussle and bussle with my family.

If you're interested in a session, please email me at as soon as possible so we can discuss dates/times/details.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"W" Family

Getting to take pics of one of your favorite friends and her family is pretty darn awesome... Knowing you've contributed to a piece of something that will be looked at by her grandkids and her great grandkids makes you feel really great! Jenna and I have been friends since high school. We were in each others' weddings, pregnant together (2 of my 3 times), and now we're watching our families grow and swapping stories about our crazy lives! She and I love and appreciate all things creative and we have so much fun sharing ideas with each other so getting to do her family pictures was an absolute blast for me!!

Thanks Jenna and Scott for letting me do this!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

We're Both Grinning From Ear To Ear

 I'm right in the middle of editing this session and my heart is about to burst out of my chest right now all because of the little girl in this picture. How could I dare not share this with you all?!

Here's Chayse.... I've known her for a couple years. She's sweet as pie and believe it or not... She's super shy! Usually if I see her, she'll tuck her sweet little face down and slightly look at me out of the corner of her eye. But in this picture, I got her. She's as comfortable as can be, she's being super silly, she's smiling from ear to ear and it all makes me feel so warm and fuzzy. I love the expression on her face and how the colors in her dress and on the door are popping.

For some many reasons, this is one of my favorite pictures of all time.
Thank you Chayse for making my day!

I'll share more pics from this session later. For now, I think she deserves her very own post. ;)

****Post Edit 8/25****
It is due time that I share some more photos from this sweet family's session:

*Capturing a moment like this between a mom and her little girl is absolutely the priceless!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Round 4

I had the pleasure of doing my 4th session for this family last month. This time we did their phots in the comfort of their AMAZING home! It was so neat getting to snap casual shots of them in their favorite place. And even better... Their daughter was in town from England! What's a better way to remember her trip than family pictures??!!  :)
As always... THEY.MADE.ME.LAUGH and we had way too much fun! Thanks "B" Family! It's always a pleasure getting to play around with your family!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Meet Max {Before and After}

Well since I've been so behind on my blog, I figured this would be a great time to finally show off some more of the photos from this BEAUTIFUL couple's maternity session as well as show their end result.  :)

And here he is... Almost 2 months premature and healthy as can be... What a blessing!! I absolutely love this cute family! I've known the mom since we were sassy little teenagers and it's been so much fun wathching her blossom into such a natural mama. I couldn't be happier for them and I'm so excited to share precious little Max with you all.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Blog.... What Blog?

I know... I've been terrible at blogging. When I spend so much time staring at my computer editing photos, the last thing I feel like doing is getting on to work on my blog. But I'm finally catching up on life and I am very excited to share a couple sessions with you. Here's one from April that was a real challenge due to the amount of people (and the amount of kids) and we got a late start so we lost our light.  :( The easy part was that the ENTIRE group was beautiful. Seriously.... They could all grace the cover of any magazine! These girls are so much fun and I was so excited to get to capture their awesome bond in a photograph.

My Fun Photog Friend

This sweet girl is a photographer and I was truly delighted when she asked if I would take their maternity photos. We love to get together and bounce ideas off of each other so this shoot was an absolute blast to plan. During their shoot I could just totally see how excited each of them are for "Baby Stewy" to arrive. The second photo says it all. They were sitting down getting situated when she felt the baby move. Her husband immediately feels her tummy and got so extremely excited. It's moments like these that make me really love this little part time gig I have going. Congrats JoJo and Skyler.... I can't wait to meet your little man!

Congrats Jojo and Skyler! I can't wait to meet your little man!
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