Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Of My Favorites

This girl is truly one of my favorite people on the face of this planet. She is not your average teenager. She's sweet, kind, super fun, respectful, and has great morals. She gives me hope for the future!
She's definitely one-of-a-kind so I was honored that I got to take her senior pictures. Isn't she gorgeous?

and here's a fun out-take showing her fun personality!


Watson Family said...

Wow, gorgeous girl and gorgeous pics!! You are so TALENTED!!

Brianna said...

Those are awesome pics! What a pretty girl!

Sara White said...

OMG Pam! Those turned out soooooo good! She is beautiful and you did a FANTASTIC job!!!

Kimberley said...

Pam...one word, AMAZING!!

Becca said...

HOLY COW! You could enter these in a contest!!! I bet her mom loooooved these?!!, they're incredible!

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