Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Pinetop Treat

I had the pleasure of heading up to Pinetop earlier this month to shoot some pretty awesome people. One great thing about this job is meeting such amazing people. After conversing via email for over a month about outfits, locations, etc. I felt like I already knew this sweet lady. I couldn't wait to get up there to actually meet her. I had such a fun evening with her and her family! I could have hung out with them all night. I LOVED watching her and her husband. They have such a fun-loving relationship and their love for each other is so evident. And their cabin... Don't even get me started on their cabin... It's like something out of a magazine. This sweet lady is a better, nicer version of Martha Stewart!  You should have seen the goodies she prepared for me. This shoot was seriously a real treat. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!!  So finally... Here they are... The lovely "B" family...

 Sunflowers have a special significance to them. So she had a great idea of incorporating them into some of their pictures!

Thank you so much Kelle and family!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Her pics are gorgeous!!!You did awesome!

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