Monday, January 24, 2011

It Takes Me Back

It was such a joy getting to take pics of this little guy as he was just DAYS old. It took me back to those first days with my babies and made my heart go pitter-patter. FOR A SECOND his soft little newborn self made me want another.

I love this family! They're so devoted to each other and I admire them so very much!!  I was very excited to finally meet Baby Crew....

Here. He. Is.

And don't ya just LOVE this cute beanie?? And the one on Paisley in the post below?? They were both hand-made by my FAVORITE Etsy Seller: Azsunshine. Her name is Jean, she's in Gilbert, she's so so so sweet and ultra talented!! Paisley and I often sport her crocheted hair flowers and her dish-rags are a must in my kitchen. I was at her place a couple weeks ago and she has the CUTEST beanies for little girls and all sorts of hair accesories...So much more than you can imagine!!
You've gotta check her stuff out:


Brianna said...

Those are gorgeous! What a good lookin fam!

Watson Family said...

Newborns are so hard to take pics of. You did an AMAZING job!!

Sara White said...

WOW! Those are BEAUTIFUL Pam, good work!!

lexcontreras1122 said...

So thankful for your amazing talent pam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE all the pix!!!! Thanks again:)

lexcontreras1122 said...

SO thankful for your amazing talent Pam!!!!!! LOVE all the pix:)Thanks again!

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